Minimizing Equipment Downtime in the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing Industry

Machine maintenance can be time-consuming and expensive. How do you keep your competitive advantage while obtaining a high return on investment (ROI)? This is a brief outline of technological improvements and managerial techniques aimed at reducing maintenance and machinery downtime.

The industry of maintenance, repair, and operations is expected to be worth $701.3 billion by 2026. This massive spending is the outcome of several businesses functioning in industrial settings. Unplanned downtime is frequently caused by old, worn parts and components. Mechanical failure, operator error, a lack of time for routine maintenance, and poor design are all factors that can cause equipment downtime, according to maintenance professionals.

Maintenance management is a demanding profession. The longevity and performance of standard equipment can be extended by employing the appropriate tools for the job, embracing new technology, and upgrading to low- to no-maintenance components.

Check out the accompanying infographic to learn more about ways to avoid unplanned downtime.

Low Or No-Maintenance Industrial Machinery from FLEXIM