Leaving School Soon? A Guide to Career Choices

asbestos survey jobs

The pace of the modern lifestyle affects every aspect of a person’s life, and when thinking about career choices, it pays to start early. Many young people end up wasting a few years of their life by studying subjects for a specific career, only to find out at a later stage that the work is boring and not suitable, which is why you should be thinking about your working life as early as Year 8. If you are fast approaching A-Level learning, now is the time to plan your career path, and with that in mind, here are some important points to bear in mind.

  • Find your Passion – While one must be practical, at the same time, it is important to actually enjoy your work, and by spending some time online, you can search for information about your chosen career. Ask yourself questions, like “Is there a future in this industry?”, and “Am I interested in this, or “Am I looking at the financial benefits?” Whatever you choose, start to focus on the core subjects that are required for the profession, and spend a lot of your free time reading about the industry you have chosen to enter.
  • Specific Industries – There are many advantages to choosing a very specific field, and if you are scientifically minded, there are well-paid asbestos survey jobs available, and with so many buildings that still contain this harmful substance, the future for the asbestos removal industry is looking solid. For close on 50 years, asbestos was widely used in many industries, and in the 1970s, we finally realised how harmful this natural substance is. Water treatment is another sustainable sector, as we will always require clean water, and the demand is rising, as more and more structures are built, and if you want to be sure of having the opportunity for a change of employer, it makes sense to register with an appropriate recruitment agency, and any prime positions will give you the option to move or stay where you are.
  • Career Counselling – All British schools would have career counselling, which usually begins at Year 9, and with the help and guidance of the counsellor, the young learner can make an informed decision, which should be based upon their interests. People tend to be very good at things they enjoy doing, and this is the time for trying new things, as it can be difficult to actually figure out what it is you are interested in. Your parents can help by discussing your options, and of course, they would be very supportive, regardless of your interests, and with their help and a lot of determination, there is no limit to what you can do.
  • Innovative Technology – The constant pace or rapid development means you have to keep abreast of new technology, as this often creates new industries, and if you are interested in programming, for example, there are many exciting opportunities in both the software and hardware sectors. 3D printers will soon be the norm and with the virtual world advancing, there are great openings in this field, and for those who are born into a hi-tech world, things are much easier to grasp.

Whatever the career you choose, it is important to spend time researching, and build up a picture of your intended profession, and that should include any negative aspects to the work.