Different Types Of Printers You Should Know Before Buying


The typewriters had improved by a significant margin from their era, at a time where they were prominently used by almost everybody in need of printed paperwork. Back in the day when you committed a mistake, you would have to retrieve the paper from the typewriter and apply a white ink. Then after that, you would have to wait for some time for the white ink to dry before you place it back to the typewriter, thus, making such a hassle.

Today all you need was to click or tap a few buttons, and the part you want to be erased would disappear immediately without a second wasted on waiting. Also, you can now easily mass produce copies of the same document with the use of printers or photocopy machines. Not only that but you can now also insert different things easily including currencies, pictures, etc. Now if you are quite interested in investing in one of these machines you need to know what you need and what is the best type of needs.

Color Copier

A new type but rather expensive among its cousins. It uses four colors of ink which can mix to form other different colors and shades. The colors that this type is, of course, you have black, magenta, cyan, and yellow. They are recommended in schools and businesses especially if you need to print out colored documents or posters for your needs.

Good read: Home printer buying guide: How to choose a printer that best fits your needs

Mono Copier

Although it has a slight disadvantage from the color copier, It makes up with its speed in printing. Some of the highly advanced ones can print 100 or more per minute. It is also multifunctional, and can be used at home, at school, and work. It comes with different sizes and designs depending on your needs.

Analog Copier

It is an old model with many drawbacks, and it is mostly forgotten in today’s generation. The main reason why it is no longer famous nowadays is that it encounters many technical difficulties. Also, it is hard to repair since the parts needed to be replaced or fixed are hard to find and acquire.

Digital Copier

Digital copiers are what came to replace the Analog copiers. The highlight of these copiers is that, unlike the old analog copier, it is more durable, and can do large volumes of printing. It is widely recommended for use in the office or school. If you are eager to get this type of copier for your use at home, there are versions of these types which are tailored for use at home.

Desktop Copier

It is designed to be cheaper and smaller, just enough for your needs not needing to consume to much space in your table or wherever you might want to place it in. Also, there’s a modern type model that is not limited to printing a particular size of paper.

Multifunctional Copier

Multi functional printer

and copier are one of the top types of copier sold in the market, aside from it having multiple functions that are widely recommended for businesses and work, it can do more things than just print. It can store items you have scanned for future use and more. For further details and testing, you can head to this store.