Virtual Reality – The Future is Here


A few years ago, if you asked a person what virtual reality means, you’d be met with a confused look. Veteran gamers where the first people to glimpse virtual reality, and today it has found its way into many industries, including marketing and advertising. Unless you come from a remote corner of the world, you already know that VR involves wearing a headset, and the user receives video input from the small eye screens, either one for each eye, or a wide single screen. With earlier versions, the video feed would be fed via a PC, and the user was restricted by ungainly cables, yet the latest generation uses wireless connectivity and the hardware is now conveniently part of the headset.

How Does VR Work?

If you think about a computer game, for example, where the player controls a character within the game, the user is not actually experiencing the game from his player’s perspective, yet with VR, you are right there in the action, and as the normal reality is blocked out temporarily, the user experiences everything as they would if they were present. The environment is three dimensional, as the user can move around in any direction, and even interact with their surroundings. If your business is located in the Middle East and you are looking for something unique, there is virtual reality in Dubai, as one of the leading video production agencies happens to be based there.


VR first emerged due to the gaming developers focusing on ways to heighten the playing experience, and the super-fast performance of quad core hardware enabled them to implement VR software. Like everything else, VR had some teething troubles, but with the aid of Bluetooth connectivity and faster processing speeds, they were able to improve the system to the point where the virtual reality is as real as it can get. With the right hardware, one can be crouching behind a wall and firing at the enemy, while your buddy is behind a tree a few metres away, and this has brought a whole new dimension to interactive gaming. The other vital ingredient necessary for VR is high speed Internet, and today, broadband is rapidly becoming standardised.


VR offers amazing advantages for marketing and advertising, with property developers who use VR to allow potential buyers to actually walk through the property, which might be on the other side of the world, yet the user is able to experience the interior as though they were actually there. This is a very powerful tool, and being able to take a group of people on a virtual tour of a manufacturing business gives VR the advantage. Perhaps you are negotiating with an Asian client, and they request a visit to inspect your plant, VR solutions allow the customer to do this remotely.

If you would like to create a 3D world to showcase your product or service, VR offers this and so much more, and by enriching the experience, your sales figures will smash any existing targets.